Saturday, February 16, 2008

Disaster Night

Tonight was a Disaster. Last Evening was a Disaster. My Home is a disaaaaster.That ‘s what, one of my 3 year old students, this morning was yelling, holding both his hands on his forehead as he walked in. Well, IT'S A DISAAAASTER… Now I’m holding both hands on my forehead yelling "Oh what a disaster. " What is a disaster?! When there are good stories to write about it and take a lot of time just to find the right grammar and verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Yeah! IT'S HURT. Being up all night would not be a good idea. C'e` sempre una alternativa e una soluzione a tutto. Per adesso, usando al meglio cio` che si sa e in pochi minuti tutto fatto. In seguito si vedra`......forse! In fondo la vita ci puo` sorprendere in cio` che si fa e dove non si immaggina si puo` incontrare quello che si sta cercando. Sicuramente in futuro avro` modo di raccontare e condividere piu` storie. Evidentemente questa non e` la serata adatta. Non male come inizio. Tra l'altro ho annunciato e anticipato la mia pazzia!


Anonymous said...

I studied French, Italian and German in college. I remember the frustration of not being able to find the right words or the exact meaning I wanted to convey.

Happy Sunday and thank you for commenting at my blog. I'm glad to have you there!

Italian Bird said...

Thanks Dcup, you are very nice...
Glad to be there:)
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

DCup, I know the Italian bird personally. She is one of my 6:17AM partners in crime. Don't be fooled. Her English is awesome. ha ha ha...

Sorry for outing you like that I-B. But that secret was just too hard to keep silent.

Italian Bird said...

Spartacus, watch out yourself....

Just a bad night after a bad day!

Unknown said...

a to me about disasters...seems like everyday there is one...hope they will fix soon on your as well as my part...un bacio...